As a freshman, Nathalie Linge recognized a need for more attractive, functional ties and began collaborating. Over the next year, INK Menswear was created. The idea: a tongue-and-tail-designed tie with a sleek, sophisticated front and a pop of pattern on the back. The design caters to those who must look professional for work or other obligations, but who still want to add a little flair to their style. Once the idea was in place, Linge started reaching out to the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the U to get the business on its feet. She also contacted her past instructors and other administrators in the program to get advice and individualized help. “Having classes where I can work on developing my company really helps to blend my college classes and my efforts at INK together,” Linge said.

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Find this article and a lot more in the 2016 “Student Innovation @ the U” report. The publication is presented by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute to celebrate student innovators, change-makers and entrepreneurs.